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Elkhorn Church of Christ
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Les informations suivantes sont disponibles pour Elkhorn Church of Christ:

We use God's word, the Holy Bible to guide us. We are an independent congregation whose only authority is God. It is our objective to, through study, learn God's will, and together find strength through Jesus Christ, to do God's will.

Assemblies Sunday Bible classes 9:15 am Sunday worship 10:30 am Midweek Bible study groups- call for home locations 262-215-5462 ************************************************************ At Elkhorn church of Christ we strive to live as children of God, brothers and sisters living as an extended family, living to please God, and living to support each other. We work hard, but we find plenty of time to enjoy our fellowship. We use God's word, the Holy Bible to guide us. We are an independent congregation whose only authority is God. It is our objective to, through study, learn God's will, and together find strength through Jesus Christ, to do God's will. This congregation has elders who view their position as 'shepherds', who guide the congregation, listen to its' needs, and try to fill those needs within the structure of our interpretation of God's will. This is not an easy task, but this is our goal. When you attend our worship service this is what you might expect: We are not in the business of judging people. We accept people as they are. During our service you are welcome to join in as much as you are comfortable with, or just observe. A typical service includes; congregational singing, the Lord's Supper (sometimes called communion, or the Eucharist), public prayer lead by a member of the congregation, usually a sermon, and an offering. You will be welcome to join in the singing if you choose. During the Lord's supper unleavened bread and grape juice are blessed and passed around, you may partake or just pass it on. The bread and wine are emblems representing Jesus Christ, the son of God and our savior. We observe the Lord's Supper every Sunday. The offering is intended for our members, if you are visiting you may give, but are not expected to. An attended nursery is available for young children. In our Bible studies we study together as a group, lead by a member of the congregation, with open public discussion. ****************************************************************** If you have any questions about our group please contact one of the elders. Minister: Jim Coehoorn Elders: Jim Coehoorn, Jim Frost, Scot Cerka SEE OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFO ****************************************************************** Many members of Elkhorn Church of Christ participate in activities and programs of Wisconsin Christian Youth Camp. However our members are free to attend and support any camp they wish. For information about WCYC please use their web site:


Elkhorn Church of Christ est à l'adresse suivante:

100 W Court St

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Use the following telephone number to get in touch with Elkhorn Church of Christ:

(262) 723-5079

Consultez le site Web suivant pour Elkhorn Church of Christ:


Que s'est-il passé à Elkhorn Church of Christ récemment? Ici vous pouvez voir les nouvelles pertinentes:


On Sunday (as I am told since I was away) Grandson Jed was having a very bad day and it showed in his attitude. He didn't want to go to Bible class, and didn't until the last half of it, and even while there, he did NOT appear to be engaged in what was going on. When it was time for church, it didn't get any better, making life difficult for the parents as they dealt with his attitude (and his baby brother wasn't much help either!). Then, during the sermon, as Mark was preaching on the final exam and being prepared from Matthew 25, one of the points was, "Are you serving others?" Jed whispered (or maybe not) to daddy, "That's what we talked about in Bible Class!" Noone would have guessed that Jed would have ever gotten anything out of Bible class that day, but he not only heard the story, but heard it again when it was told in the sermon and connected them together. Amazing. Don't let anyone ever tell you that kids, even young ones, don't get anything out of Bible Class and church. They hear way more than we could ever imagine. Moral of the story, make sure you and your kids are in class and church every time you can, and be thankful for the parents that go through great trials to do so.


Here is the list for your daily reading. It begins tomorrow. Happy New Year! Jan. 1- Mat. 1 Gen. 1-2 Jan. 2- Mat. 2 Gen. 3-5 Jan. 3- Mat. 3 Gen. 6-7 Jan. 4- Mat. 4 Gen. 8-10 Jan. 5- Mat. 5:1-20 Gen. 11-12 Jan. 6- Mat. 5:21-48 Gen. 13-15 Jan. 7- Mat. 6:1-15 Gen. 16-18 Jan. 8- Mat. 6:16-34 Gen. 19-20 Jan. 9- Mat. 7 Gen. 21-22 Jan. 10- Mat. 8 Gen. 23-24 Jan. 11- Mat. 9:1-17 Gen. 25 Jan. 12- Mat. 9:18-38 Gen. 26-27 Jan. 13- Mat. 10:1-15 Gen. 28-29 Jan. 14- Mat. 10:16-42 Gen. 30 Jan. 15- Mat. 11 Gen. 31-32 Jan. 16- Mat. 12:1-8 Gen. 33-34 Jan. 17- Mat. 12:9-32 Gen. 35-36 Jan. 18- Mat. 12:33-50 Gen. 37-38 Jan. 19- Mat. 13:1-23 Gen. 39-40 Jan. 20- Mat. 13:24-46 Gen. 41-42 Jan. 21- Mat. 13:47-58 Gen. 43-44 Jan. 22- Mat. 14 Gen. 45-46 Jan. 23- Mat. 15:1-20 Gen. 47-48 Jan. 24- Mat. 15-21-39 Gen. 49-50 Jan. 25- Mat. 16 Ex. 1-3 Jan. 26- Mat. 17 Ex. 4-5 Jan. 27- Mat. 18:1-14 Ex. 6-7 Jan. 28- Mat. 18:15-35 Ex. 8-9 Jan. 29- Mat. 19 Ex. 10-12 Jan. 30- Mat. 20:1-16 Ex. 13-14 Jan. 31- Mat. 20:17-34 Ex. 15-16 Enjoy your reading and be blessed!


As some of you know, we are planning "Read Through the Bible in a Year". We will begin on January 1 with each day containing 3-4 chapters. I'm excited for what it could do if we all joined in and allowed God to speak to us each day, to hear our Creator speak to us, not only as an individual, but also as a community of believers. We will begin January 1st, reading about 1 chapter from the New Testament and 2-3 from the Old testament. I plan to post the reading here on Facebook each week (any other mediums you prefer, let me know). Each Sunday we will discuss the reading in our Bible Class and have a sermon taken from the reading. Here are a few suggestions to incorporate into the time. #1. Find a regular time to read each day. It's ok to experiment on what works best for you, but try to block out a specific time for your reading so you can be consistent. #2. Find a regular place, this will also help with consistency. #3. Include the whole family. Read it together, if possible, or at least talk about what you have read together. If the entire reading is too much for your kids (young ones), just read the New Testament with them (that is only about one chapter a day!), you choose what they can handle, but how wonderful to model regular Bible reading! #4. Pray in conjunction with your reading, both listen and speak to God, have a conversation! #5. Keep a journal. Write questions to bring up in class, or write the main thought you got out of the reading. #6. Approach this positively. This is not a chore, it is a privilege that God has opened His heart for us to know Him! #7. Attend Bible Class to hear the discussion (9:15 am at 100 W. Court St, Elkhorn, worship follows at 10:30). All of us, me included, need others to challenge our thinking and to see things we may have missed. #8. Invite others to join in, this is a great New Year's resolution! The response has been enthusiastic from everyone I've talked to, (I suppose those that aren't won't say anything to me!!), let's start strong and keep it going! Jim


Church was great last Sunday Maybe no one got the sermon ( the Parable of the Good Samaritan) or the singing could have been better or..., but to me it was a great day. We had four different kids under 13 from four different families that came to church on their own. They are all amazing. Two scenes stand out to me (though there were other cool moments). One was Sean (11), whose mother came by after church to check on the free backpacks, and Sean was proudly showing her around "his" church, pointing out his and his sister's cut-out in the bulletin board, the class rooms where they learn, the baptism tank; "...this is where Jim preaches." He was so excited and proud. The second is looking around for Taylor (9) as church was starting to see if she was sitting somewhere or wandering around the building. I looked back just in time to see her plop down right next to Charlie( (a 60ish year old single guy). He didn't even flinch! It was a precious moment I will never forget. Chelsea heard Taylor say to her mom as she picked her up, " Best church service ever." I'm pumped. I'm energized, God is good, and I think He's smiling!!!!!


This Saturday (May 19) from 10am-4pm is the Chamber of Commerce community open house. We are one of 8 locations who will welcome guests to tour our facility, and hear about our story of where we have been and where we are going! Stop by and say hello! It will be our privilege to welcome you and speak with you.


Here's a preview of the next bulletin article. Count your many blessings name them one by one… What a great song, reminding us that we are blessed and to take time to remember those things by name. Few can or would dare to argue with this sentiment, I certainly won’t! Remembering is a crucial part of thankfulness. But simply reciting may not go far enough, especially in relation to how we have been blessed by God. Why doesn’t it go far enough, because we could never keep up with the things God does for us! Thanking Him for food, and family, that is good, as well as a creation that is hospitable for our very habitation, but have you mentioned air lately? What about rain which nourishes crops and provides water so we can drink? Don’t forget the microbes in the soil that break down organic matter and a nervous system in our bodies that allow us to think and react to various stimuli, both good and bad! And what about… Get the picture? It would never end! That is not a reason be ungrateful, rather a reason to be in awe of all He does! We shouldn’t overlook obvious blessings as 9 of the lepers did, not returning to give thanks to Jesus for being healed. And yet, are words enough? In that same story of 10 lepers, (Lk. 17:11-19.) the one returned, praising God, and falling at the feet of Jesus, giving Him thanks. This is more than words, yes, it is words, but words are cheap! Actions show hearts more than words and this newly healed leper falls at the feet of Jesus in worship! A deeper response of gratitude and thanksgiving is found in worship, this is why God provided thanksgiving sacrifices for the people of God. They were not required, but there was a distinctive way of bringing thanks, which involved options of personal sacrifice (burnt lamb, pigeon, grain, etc.) o anyone could do it, rich or poor. Notice Romans 12:1-2. I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. We don’t find a verbal thank you anywhere in this text, and yet that’s what it is about. This is preceded in 11:36 with, “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.” And this after 11 chapters of laying out our salvation and the work of God. So yes, this is entirely about how we can give thanks to God, and the answer is worship! Worship that is formal and public for sure, but also worship that is a life transformed by what God has done for us. I love that commercial where a daughter gives her father a shiny new touch screen tablet, only to find him putting it in the dishwasher after using it as a cutting board. Are we like that with the gifts of God? Should not we should our thanks not only by using our mouth, but by using the gifts for what they were intended. All God did for us was to make us into His image. When we fail to worship Him both in community and in our life, we veto our own words of thanks. Why not put a smile on the face of God, and live in faithfulness, purity and love, use His gifts for His glory? You’ll be glad you did!


Bible Class at 9:15, Worship at 10:30, then join us after ward at the Coehoorn's (across the street) for a picnic and corn boil, we will supply the corn, bring a side dish or two!!!


Chelsea and I will be at the church tomorrow morning (Thursday 3/30) if you are interested in helping prep the nursery, de-clutter mailboxes, other, etc. Just PM or text us.


Tonight begins a Bible study on the Book or Revelation. It will go from 7-8 pm at the Coehoorn home. Join us if you are interested. Call 262-215-5462 for address or if you have questions.


We are canceling Bible Class this Sunday (12/18) due to the cold and snow, but will still have Worship time at 10:30 am. Stay safe out there.


What can you possibly learn from a sermon on being thankful? Maybe nothing, So how are you doing at BEING thankful with all that understanding? Join us at 9:15 for class, 10:30 for worship time and find out!!!!


Starting a new sermon series this Sunday, Answering Your Bible Questions. Questions submitted by members, add your own to the list!!!!


Clothing give-away from 8:00-noon!!! Saturday Oct. 1


Join us for Easter Sunday, service begins at 10:30 am.


Singing at tonight!!!


Search Elkhorn Church of Christ VBS for more info on Vacation Bible School!!!


Chelsea and I will be at church tonight sorting clothes for the giveaway if anyone wants to join us. Maybe 6 or so.


Sandwich potluck tomorrow! Don't forget to SPRING your clocks ahead!


Potluck this Sunday! Woohoo!!


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Restaurants proche

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Holi Cannoli
N7065 US Highway 12, Elkhorn
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Fiddlesticks Bistro'
101 W Evergreen Pkwy, Elkhorn
Moy's Restaurant
3 N Wisconsin St, Elkhorn
Asiatique, Cantonais, Chinois, Japonais
Annie's Burger Town
645 N Lincoln St, Elkhorn
Americain, Asiatique, Burger, Fast Food
Pizza Ranch
28 West Hidden Trail, Elkhorn
Buffet, Nourriture de confort, Pizza
Supermercado America
28 south Washington st., Elkhorn
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Los Tres Hermanos Bar & Grill Mexican Restaurant
31 N. Wisconsin St., Elkhorn
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N7033 US Highway 12, Elkhorn
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Lakehouse - Breakfast Bar & Grill
N7073 State Highway 12/67, Elkhorn
Calabria Restaurant
1 N Lincoln St, Elkhorn
Americain, Européen, Italien
The Elk Restaurant
13 W Walworth St, Elkhorn
Cali Ristorante Italiano
10 West Evergreen Parkway, Elkhorn
Market Street Café
56 West Market Street, Elkhorn
Style de famille
Vasili's Corner Cafe
26 E Walworth St, Elkhorn
Americain, Petit déjeuner, Brunch
Abell's Country Lunch & Tavern
N6427 US Highway 12, Elkhorn
Petit déjeuner, Brunch
Luke's Market St. Italian Sandwiches
117 W Market St, Elkhorn
Européen, Fast Food, Italien
1000 N Wisconsin St, Elkhorn
Asiatique, Burger, Fast Food
Lefty’s Too
N6427 US Hwy 12, Elkhorn
Elkhorn Pastry
29 N Wisconsin St, Elkhorn
Cousins Subs of Elkhorn - Wisconsin St. & Market St.
1024 N. Wisconsin St., Elkhorn
Fast Food
Jessie's Family Restaurant
781 E Geneva St, Elkhorn
Taste of China
58 W Market St Ste O, Elkhorn
Asiatique, Chinois
CJ Kountry Kitchen
N6424 US Highway 12, Elkhorn
The Chalet
W6904 County Road A, Elkhorn
Fruit de mer
110 Market St, Elkhorn
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W2501 CR-D, Elkhorn
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N7622 US Highway 12, Elkhorn
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Baker House
327 Wrigley Dr, Lake Geneva
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102 N. Wisconsin street, Elkhorn
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4650 N Port Washington Rd, Elkhorn
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Lake Geneva Area Realty, Inc.
101 Broad St, Ste C3, Lake Geneva
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Keefe Real Estate, Inc.
751 Geneva Pkwy N, Lake Geneva
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The Rauland Agency, Inc.
118 Kenosha St, Walworth
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700 Veterans Parkway #204, Lake Geneva
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751 Geneva Pkwy N, Lake Geneva
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Pure Hair and Body
101 W Evergreen Pkwy, Ste 8, Elkhorn
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Rockwell Salon
11 N Wisconsin St, Elkhorn
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Designers Edge Hair Salon - Elkhorn Wisconsin
N5860 US Highway 12, Ste D, Elkhorn
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33 S Wisconsin St, Elkhorn
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880 S Janesville St, Whitewater
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107 Park St., Walworth
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216 E Walworth Ave, Delavan
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772 Main St #06, Lake Geneva
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621 E Wisconsin St, Delavan
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105 Kenosha St., Walworth
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5610 State Road 50 #300, Delavan
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A Touch of Sun
755 E Milwaukee St, Whitewater
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N8784 Stringers Bridge Rd, East Troy
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1421 Racine St. Unit B, Delavan
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Estetica Unisex Carmen
130 EWalworth Ave, Delavan
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Hedda Hair
150 N Walworth Ave, Williams Bay
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Terry's Barber Shop
86 N Walworth Ave, Williams Bay
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Headquarters Hair Salon
239 W North St, Whitewater
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Salon 154
154 W Main St, Whitewater
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Wayne S Barber Shop & Hair Emporium
207 S 2nd St, Whitewater
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Nicole's Cuts
239 W North St, Whitewater
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